Usage Dashboards

Use the usage dashboards in your Workspace Console to view document reads, writes, and deletes over time for yourself and for your entire organization as well.

Access Control

The usage dashboards require certain permissions. Account Admin and Team Leads have access to the dashboards by default and can view Usage and Activity for the entire organization. Developers & Team Members can view Usage and Activity for themselves only.

Cloud Logging and Monitoring

Cloud Monitoring collects metrics, events, and metadata from your Workspace. The usage dashboard in the WorqHat Workspace console reports the same metrics data.

Monitoring includes the following metrics:

Metric NameDescription
document_readsThe number of successful document reads. This metric does not include reads from managed export operations.
document_writesThe number of successful document writes. This metric does not include writes from managed import operations.
document_deletesThe number of successful document deletes.
Active ConnectionsThe number of active connections to the database.

Realtime Usage

The WorqHat Workspace & Database Usages and logs are updated in Realtime and Sampled every 30 seconds. However, in certain overloaded conditions, the data may be delayed by up to 2 minutes.